воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

понедельник, 21 мая 2012 г.


1)Music is always using 5 notes. In that way we can understand what about music is with these five notes, in this way melody is like language.

Pentatonic is the five notes which are laying in the humans blood. Pentatonic came to us from the Aincient Greece from the word "penta" - 5. A lot of rock songs are baced on pentatomic.

 Pitch - is show how low or  how hight note may be

2)Experiment prove that it's not so difficult to make a new melody.

 Also it show's that musiciants are usually use same notes but in different orders.

Mode - тональность

Interval - distance between notes

Semitone (полутон)-  is the smallest musical interval used in Western tonal music

Whole tone (секунда)- interval of two semitones.

Scales - note groups, they give compose

Modes - groups of scales

Aeolian notes - one of the groups of notes

Sharpen the notes - raising up

Flatten the notes - raising down

The Blue notes - notes which were outside of West music, so the founder of Blues was African american - Blind Lemon Jefferson.

3) Diatonic (диатоническая функция) -  is the specific key which recognized role of each of the 7notes in a sistem of singers or instruments.

The old notes were strict fixed, and the new are may be played in different ways.
The new notes are more progressive because you can not to play them equally, but you can create your own ways of their playing.

4)Bigger musical piece (like Mendelssohn's concerto) structed with diatonic system.
Mahler started to incorporate old models of music from folk music all around the coutry.
Vaughan Williams used in his compositions sall step by step movements in phrygian mood.

5)Stind is assosiating in his "We work the Black Seam" ancient sound and sounds of industry around us.
Ingredients of American music:
1)Folk tunes
2)African temps
3)promisland rithm
4)Optimistic mood


пятница, 4 мая 2012 г.

The Adirondack Guide. Piece of art.

Name:The Adirondack Guide
Winslow Homer, 1894
Sheet: 38.5 x 54.6 cm (15 3/16 x 21 1/2 in.)
Medium:Watercolor over graphite pencil on paper
Country origin: USA
Current locations: Museum of fine arts, Boston
Homer Winslow was one of most important artist in USA at XIX century. He founded american school of arts which was opposite to European school. Majority of his works were painted by watercolor and gouache, he prefered draw an marine, so we is famous as marinist. I chosen this picture because my love to sea,which was inculcate my mother,artist also. Here I see calmness and power of water surface and wisdom of old fishman. Who exists onthe center of the picture. The artist wanted to concentrate viewer's attention at him, show him as the main figure here. The picture was pinted in 1894 it was the second period in creative artist's life. In this period he draw his works in dark and quite grim colors because of his mother's death in 1984 and moving whith his father from New York to Maine. I wouldn't call this picture harsh or murky, in my opinion here is more of quiet,seriosness and realistic.


понедельник, 16 апреля 2012 г.

James wasn't popular child in his school because he was always reading science fiction books and was living in himself world being a science geek.Hardly I could have such friend in school.
60s was the time when every person could develop his creativity so it influenced a lot Cameron.
I think my time is giving us opportunity to make ourself more versatile. There is no bans to human creation, so you can do that you love to do.
Cameron thinks that imagination make the best landscapes.
Reffering to Cameron's love to diving. According to his words deep ocean enviroment is full of amazing life, so it touched him very much. He didn't expect to see so beautiful and different world which was created by rich imagination of nature. He takes inspiration from this strange and magnificent world. And drawing helps him in expressing emoutions from seen ocean's miracles. That's why they were and they are his main activities.
Unfortunatelly, I haven't seen Abyss by James Cameron. But I have watched Terminator 2 which has a lot of animation and digital prodaction. Frankly speaking it wasn't impressed me a lot because I wasn't interested in such effect in my childhood probably because I can't imaginate that making such colorful film takes so much forces and time.
When Cameron speaks about two films: Titanic and Avatar you can notice that he use more emotionally colored words when he talk about explotion of Titanic. It was impressed him so much that he leaves director job and began to explore the ocean.So that's why I suppose that he likes to explore more then to imagine. Although he has success in both kinds of activity. I can't exactly tell what I like better of the two films. I like Titanic for realistic feelings and knowing that it objectively was and I like Avatar because amazing effects and originality of he idea. They both are uniqe films.
Lessons which Cameron has thanks to his job:
1)Curiosity is your main power; 
2)Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality;
3)Respect ofyour team is more important than all the laurels in the world;
4)Don't put limitations on yourself.

воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.

1)The most popular Bushnell's book which was basis of two films and series.
2)In almost all her books this city was described.
3)Where the story take place?(adress)

понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.

The Pope Benedict XVI in Mexico

-"Who is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church? How would you describe the tone of the crowd waiting for Pope Benedict XVI in Mexico? According to the report, what message did Pope Benedict XVI include in his sermon? "
-"The leader of the Roman Catholic Church is Pope Benedict! How may anybody don't know it?
All Catholic community met Pope with welcoming shouts and dances. 
The Pope urged Mexicans to rely on their faith in the battle to get rid of poverty and the violence caused by drug trafficking."


Cameras in the U.S. Supreme Court.

-"How might allowing cameras inside the U.S. Supreme Court chambers affect news coverage of their cases? What might be the pros and cons of video coverage of Supreme Court cases for both viewers and the Supreme Court?"
-"The pluses of issue cameras inside the Supreme Court are that people believe that  in this way they would be sure in judjes' indepedence and incorraptibility.The constitution is really important for people in U.S., people's patriotism is build on it. And when they are confident that the sistem is clear there is no place for doubts in their heads. So if chambers be allowed inside the U.S. Supreme Court, the Goverment's heads can sleep calmly.

понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

to linger-loaded down
flashed-came suddenly
the verge-the edge
burdened-to remain
seized-picked up

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

His hobby is handcrafting.
Have a jogginng as recreational activity.
You need to stimulate your mind to work harder.
Her bodily movements make me dance.
Have some herbal supplements per day to make your health stronger.
When you  bearing grudges think about what you get from this doing is it pleasure or negative emotions?
I have pain in my stomach,I think I have problems with my digestive system.
Every person should have a schedule for their day.
You should to make your weaknesses less.
Have a daily exercises of brisk working.

суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.


I really like what we are doing in our classes. The most impotant that we learn to traslate from English to Russian and vice versa. And I think that it would be more useful for our knowlege of English if we lern more new words here.
Thank you a lot. I hope that others lessons will be as enjoyable as we had earler.

Запрос на защиту Австралийских коал.

Численность коал в диком мире до сих пор не известна точно,однако защитники животных утверждают,что ими было насчитано около 100,000 особей. Исследователи предполагают,что популяция этих животный постоянно уменьшается в связи с воздействием внешних факторов. Вызывающих различные болезни,такие как слепота и репродуктивные проблемы. Вырубка лесов,стройка и кладка дорог так же разрушают и их естественную среду обитания.
Правительство Австралии выдвинуло предложение занести коал в списки вымирающих животных. Это поможет правительству защищать этих пушистых сумчатых животных от цивилизации.
Министр Тони Бурк отправил запрос группе специалистов в этой области на получение подробной информации о наиболее опасных зонах в среде обитания коал. Он планирует решить этот вопрос в течении нескольких месяцев.

понедельник, 20 февраля 2012 г.


I'm writing from Russia,Siberia.Here people and our biodiversity are suffer from factories which destroy enviroment here.It's such a pity that no one think about it.I think that it's bad to be indifferent and cold for these problems.We should to understant that we neeed to think about our future.

воскресенье, 19 февраля 2012 г.


-Please,switch off the light when you'll go back to the room!
-Ok,you - energy-savvy.

Попкорн старше любого кинотеатра.

Новые исследования ученых показали,что попкорн присутствовал в рационе людей,живших на побережье северного Перу, еще на 1.000 лет раньше,чем считалось раньше. Исследователи сообщают,что древние жители использовали кукурузу для приготовления муки и попкорна.
Маиз был первым культурным растением,выведенным в Мексике из других диких растений около 9.000 лет назад.
Популярность этого растения дошла и до Северной Америки, где до сих пор оно используется в повседневном рационе.
Находка зерен этого растения,обнаруженных на побережье Северного Перу,доказала что это растение имело большую популярность около 6.700 тысяч лет,в этих местах.
Позже стало известно,что древние жители делали из зерен этого растения не только попкорн,но и муку.
Это значит,что на некоторых территориях люди делали попкорн не имея какой либо глиняной посуды.Так как же они делали это,не имея достаточного количество посуды?Вот что до сих пор не известно!
Ясно одно,попкорн был изобретен задолго до появления кинотеатров!

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

As you know on the last Saturday great singer and beautiful and strong woman Whitney Houston has died.
From the last news I knew that her daughter Bobb Christine was gospitalise with nervous breakdown. As I'm conserned she was narcodependent at her 18 already! Watch it on this link - last news.